
9 11 2008

Some riddles from one of the (largely unseen and unpopular) German TV shows… Just drop me a comment if you think you know the answer. Correct answers will be awarded with……… congratulations from me 😀

1. Some months in a year have 31 days, some have 30. How many months have 28 days?

2. A man has 6 daughters, each of them has one brother. How many children does the man have?



7 responses

30 11 2008

coba jawab ya…
1) 0
2) 7

30 11 2008

Nice try! Soal kedua sudah betul, congratulations! Soal pertama, sayang sekali, masih “kurang tepat” 🙂

6 12 2008


1) 1

6 12 2008

coba jawab

1) 1

9 12 2008

mencoba menjawab lagi

1) 12 bulan

14 12 2008

yg saya tangkap, soal 1 itu sedikit ambigu… saya bisa jawab:
12 -> karena semua bulan punya 28 hari, bahkan lebih… atau
1 -> februari, tapi ini juga salah kalau tahunnya tahun kabisat

20 12 2008

@Rachavidya: aah, finally…. Congratulations! very good job 😀

@dzaia-bs: Justru itu, jawaban “1 bulan: Februari” gak selalu benar.

By the way, the first person who answered this question correctly was actually my TGS colleague Stefan Weigand, who mysteriously managed to discover my blog 🙂 Congratulations, Stefan!

Good ol’ friend Rizli Avriananda also tried to answer by directly sending email to me. But unfortunately he gave up… Sorry Riz 😀

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